Certification Course:

Mental Health First Aid for Adults Who Interact With Youth

Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem, or in a mental health crisis. 

The first aid is given until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis is resolved.  The Mental Health First Aid for Adults Who Interact with Youth course will teach participants to recognize when an individual may be experiencing a mental health problem or crisis; how to provide support; and how to help connect the individual to appropriate resources. 

This course is intended for any adult who supports a young person – parents, grandparents, teachers, educational assistants, coaches, etc.  It is a 14-hour course, which will lead to certification as a Mental Health First Aid Provider.  The course is being taught by Carla Betker, a certified School Psychologist with over 20 years of experience working with children, youth, and families.

When:            Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9am – 5pm

                        Tuesday, Nov. 15 from 5pm – 9pm

                        Tuesday, Nov. 29 from 5pm – 9pm

Where:           Grosse Isle Hall

Cost:              $200. per person

To Register: Please contact Susan at (204) 513-0504 or salindsay@hotmail.com

Deadline:      Registration deadline is Nov. 10, 2022

Registration is limited – don’t miss out.
